Monthly Archives: March 2015

*** Sunday Night Live !!! *** An evening of testimony, worship, and fellowship

SNL logo HRAnnouncing


Everyone is welcome to attend
A  Special Service
of Testimony, Praise, and Worship

Palm Sunday
March 29th, 5:00 p.m.

First Baptist Duluth Worship Center

All-Church Fellowship Meal
for our members and guest of all ages
following the service in our Family Life Center

This will be an amazing, all- church event!

Have you ever attended a “revival” service?  Have you ever been to a special service where folks made a sacrifice of their time to join together with other believers to seek God’s blessing and be challenged by Him?  Many people became Christians during such services in years past.  There were also many folks who were called into full-time Christian service.  Marriages were brought back together.  Relationships within the family or within the church were healed.  The church had a renewed vision of what God had called them to do.  They were changed.  The Sunday Night Live service on March 29 is shaping up to be just that kind of a worship experience.  

People are praying for God to move in hearts and lives.  People are praying for God to break down any walls that might separate us.  People are praying that we will become “revived”.  There will be powerful testimonies of God’s work.  There will be stirring songs of praise and adoration.  We will offer many prayers during the course of that evening.  New believers will follow the Lord in baptism.  The gospel message will be presented, and people will be given an opportunity to respond to God’s claims on their lives.  Please add your prayers to those of your brothers and sisters in Christ.

When you make the sacrifice of a Sunday evening’s normal activities and make the effort to pray for and be a part of this service, you will find it well worth your time.  God’s work always is.  If you make the effort to invite someone who is searching for meaning in life, they will hear about the life-changing message of Jesus.  When you come to this service with the expectancy that God will do something important, you will not be disappointed.

Your grace still amazes me book coverOur Sunday Night Live choir will include almost 70 members, from youth to Senior Adults.  In addition, we will be joined by our Children’s Choir and our FBCD Orchestra.  There will be over 100 musicians of all ages, sharing the message of God’s love, grace, and glory.  The five songs that will be shared are from a collection prepared for the Easter season by Dennis and Nan Allen.

The Sunday Night Live service will begin at 5:00 p.m. in the worship center.  Following the service, there will be an all-church dinner in the Family Life Center.  There is no charge for this meal, and anyone is welcome to attend.  There will be child care available during the service for children ages 4 and younger.  Make plans now to be a part of a very powerful and exciting time in the life of First Baptist Duluth.

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Join us for

Congregational Praise and Worship
The Sunday Night Live Choir and Orchestra


The life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ !

When the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to His own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by His grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

~  Titus 3:4 – 7  ~


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