Singing of the blessings of freedom

Prayer for America

Prayer for America coverALL are welcome to join us at First Baptist, Duluth for a special service on Sunday morning, June 29th, at 10:50 a.m., focusing upon prayer for our nation and the world and upon personal spiritual renewal.  We would be so pleased to worship together with you!

For those who support our FBCD worship ministry through prayer, be praying through this next week for the preparation of a special mini musical, “Prayer for America”, (subtitled, “A Declaration of Dependance“), that will be a part of our morning worship on June 29th. The messages of this musical are heavily focused on faith and prayer for our nation and for the world. Our Adult Choir, joined by some who normally play in our Orchestra and some members of our Golden Notes Senior Adult Choir, has been working the last several weeks to prepare to share the important and God-honoring messages of the 4 songs in “Prayer for America”.

Our Worship Ministry Choir for "Prayer for America"

Our Worship Ministry Choir for “Prayer for America”

These fine folks will be rehearsing tonight (Saturday, June 21st) after a fellowship meal together and then again Wednesday night (the 25th). To all of the participating Choir members,… Thank You! …. for all of the rehearsal time the past several weeks (at church and on your own). Thank you for always having servants’ hearts and a willingness to bring glory to God and to uplift His people through using your gifts. Our true citizenship is in Heaven, and our responsibility for sharing God’s love with others in every way possible is our life-long mission and prayer focus.

Here’s what the Publisher of “Prayer for America” says about the presentation: “From the pages of Scripture to the words of our Founding Fathers, our nation has always been urged to pray for guidance and strength. ‘A Prayer for America’ answers this call in an inspiring 20-minute musical that features four choral arrangements of traditional and contemporary patriotic songs, enhanced by quotations from the Bible, the Declaration of Independence, and beloved American heroes.”

Kadmiel and Isoleth Kumar

Kadmiel and Isoleth Kumar

Sharing a testimony of thankfulness during the presentation, for new citizenship in the United States of America and for salvation in Christ, will be FBC Duluth members Kadmiel and Isoleth Kumar, pictured at right.

Jim Reason

Jim Reason

Jim Reason, pictured above, will be sharing a testimony of his gratitude for the blessing of growing up in the United States and finding his faith, family and home here.

Reagan Howell and Connor Newman

Reagan Howell and Connor Newman

Our narrators for “Prayer for America”, pictured at left, will be FBCD Students Reagan Howell and Connor Newman, who will be sharing scriptures and inspiring quotes from our founding fathers.




A Photo Gallery

of pictures from our preparation for the presentation of

“Prayer for America”

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(NOTE:  To view the photos in the above gallery in a larger size, please go to the photo album on our FBC Duluth Worship Ministries facebook page @!/media/set/?set=a.650471408366368.1073741831.125249750888539&type=1


Please pray

that the message (of faith and hope in God

and placing our trust in Him through prayer and surrender of our lives

will come through in all of the songs, media, and narrations that are shared on Sunday, July 29th.

We are thankful for the blessings of God and the blessing of this nation;

and we never want to forget our responsibility before God to pray…

and share… and serve.. and give… and LOVE!

Prayer for America  flag


2 Chronicles 7:14
New King James Version (NKJV)

14 If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves,

and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways,

then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin

and heal their land.

In His name the nations 2




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