Posts Tagged With: Symphony of Keyboards

FBCD Symphony of Keyboards 2013

Captured on MOTOQA1

W * E * L * C * O * M * E !

You and your guests are cordially invited

to attend our annual Christmas event

in the Worship Center at

First Baptist Church of Duluth.

*  2908 Duluth Highway 120, Duluth, Georgia  *

The Symphony of Keyboards

will take place on 

December 15th at 6:00 p.m.

Please arrive early, and enjoy the evening!

Candle wreath clip artEight FBCD Keyboard Artists will play Carols and Christmas songs on four grand pianos.  The beautiful decorations, media, and special lighting will create a lovely setting for the instruments.  This festive and enjoyable program of music will include many well-loved Christmas carols and songs. We hope that you will invite neighbors, friends, co-workers, and relatives to attend this evening of musical delight and worshipful inspiration.  Sharing their talents this year are: Karen Johnson, Kimberly Hawkins, Travis Boyd, Becky Akana, Donna Babb, Paul Carey, Margaret Murdock, and Asa Williams.

You can view our photo album for Symphony of Keyboards 2013 at the link below, and you do not have to be on facebook to see it.  Our FBC Duluth Worship Ministries facebook page has a public setting and can be seen by everyone on the internet  This photo album is also public @!/media/set/?set=a.555677571179086.1073741830.125249750888539&type=1

grand piano

Categories: 2013 FBC Duluth Christmas, Christmas, Christmas at FBC, Duluth, Worship Ministry Information | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

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