Posts Tagged With: worship

“Glorious Day!” ~ Easter, 2014

You and your family and guests

are cordially invited

to a glorious Resurrection Sunday service

at First Baptist Church of Duluth

on Sunday, April 20th, 2014

10:50 a.m.


Jesus - In front of tomb 1Christ





As a part of congregational worship, our FBC Duluth Adult Choir, Soloists, Orchestra, and Narrators will be sharing the victorious Easter musical, “Glorious Day” during the Easter morning service, followed by Pastor Mark Hearn’s sermon, the second in his two part sermon series, “Grace Changes Everything”.  The theme of being changed through the miraculous power of God’s grace, as shown to all of mankind in the life, death, and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ, will be evident throughout the entire worship service.  From the congregational singing, media, and baptisms to the message of the music and the message of the word, there will be a constant focus upon the power of transformation through God’s grace and Jesus’ victory.

Here is the description of the Easter Musical, “Glorious Day!’ from the publisher (Word Music):

Easter cross with lilies  square clip art“The Easter story is ultimately about changed lives – ordinary people transformed forever by the mercy of a cross and the victory of an empty tomb.
This is the powerful theme of “Glorious Day”, an impactful new musical from Word that looks at Jesus’ life through the eyes of those He touched. Featuring the dynamic messages of songs from Casting Crowns and Aaron Shust, along with new poignant character-specific songs from Lee Black and Gina Boe, “Glorious Day” will speak directly to the heart of each individual in your congregation. Marty Hamby has expertly arranged this musical, and Deborah Craig-Claar has written a beautifully-crafted two-person narration that recounts the stories of calling the disciples, the adulterous woman, and different miracles, in addition to the key events of the Passion week.  “Glorious Day!” will be an unforgettable experience for your church and community.”

Easter musical 2014  Glorious Day coverSongs in “Glorious Day!” include:

1.  “Risen Today”  ~  Full Choir and Orchestra
(written by Aaron Shust, Charles Wesley)

2.  “Behold the Lamb”  ~  Full Choir and Orchestra
(written by Lee Black, Gina Boe)

3.  “Follow”  ~  Soloist Sam Seaborne, with Full Choir and Orchestra
(written by Lee Black, Gina Boe)

4.  “The Voice of Grace”  ~  Soloist Jennifer Jones, with Full Choir and Orchestra
(written by Lee Black, Gina Boe)

5.  “Our Eyes Have Seen the Glory”  ~  Full Choir and Orchestra
(written by Lee Black, Gina Boe)

6.  “Save Us” (In The Name of the Lord) ~  Full Choir and Orchestra
(written by Lee Black, Gina Boe)

7.  “Glorious Day” (Living He Loved Me)  ~ Full Choir and Orchestra
(written by Chapman, Hall, and Bleecker of Casting Crowns)

8.  “Glorious” with “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”  ~ Full Choir and Orchestra
(written by Aaron Shust, Black, Staton, West, and Wesley)

Our FBCD Music and Worship Minister, Travis L. Boyd, will be directing the music, and our Narrators will be Becky Akana and Mark LaCoursiere.

Some of our First Baptist Duluth Choir and Orchestra members, December, 2013

Many of our First Baptist Duluth Adult Choir and Orchestra members are shown in this photo from December, 2013.

First Baptist Church of Duluth... you are welcome here!

First Baptist Church of Duluth… you are welcome here!

In addition to our wonderful FBCD Adult Choir and FBCD Orchestra members, our Rhythm Section, and our Tech Crew, Travis would like to thank our rehearsal (and performance) accompanists, Karen Johnson and Kimberly Hawkins, for their work during both Sunday and Wednesday rehearsal times and for all of the additional rehearsal that was needed.  Thenk you to everyone for your work since January to prepare to share the message of hope in Christ that is found in “Glorious Day!”

We appreciate the support of our Pastor, Ministerial Staff, Support Staff, and Church Family for FBCD Worship Ministries, and we pray that this coming Resurrection Sunday and “Glorious Day!” will be a blessed time of worship and celebration, as we rejoice in the victory of our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ.

Here is a preview video made by Word Music, featuring portions of some of the music from “Glorious Day.”
(Note:  When listening to the male soloist, imagine our own Sam Seaborne, and think of Jennifer Jones as you hear the female soloist.)


Do you know Jesus?

The decision to ask Jesus to come into your heart and life as your Lord and Savior is the best decision you could ever make! The one true God is ready to give you forgiveness and eternal life as soon as you understand your need for Him and believe on the name of His only Son, Jesus, for your salvation.

Click on this link to help you find the answers to your questions about Jesus.



empty tomb  abundant life


Categories: Easter, Easter at FBC Duluth, Worship Ministry Information | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Heart of Christmas, our “Joy of Every Longing Heart” ~ 2013

Bethlehem starThe 2013 First Baptist Church Duluth Adult Choir and Orchestra Christmas musical,
“Joy of Every Longing Heart”,
has become very meaningful to all of those who have spent time with the music and lyrics.

Because it is a worship musical, written and arranged by Beth Moore’s Worship Leader (and Worship Pastor) Travis Cottrell, the focus is on more than just telling the story of Christmas. It is about worshipping the Lord through the recognition of the eternal significance of the story of Christmas. As the meaning and the majesty of God’s great love is shared through the music, it has made a spiritual impact in our lives.

Jesus most amazing giftThat’s what true worship does.
It changes us.

*  As we see our God for who He really is and grasp the significance of His burning desire that we come to know Him even as we are known by Him…
*  As we glimpse the beauty and majesty of Christ’s sacrificial love…
not just on the cross but in every moment of His life
as He chose God’s redemptive plan and lived to bring glory to God through the fulfillment of His promise of salvation…
*  As we are reminded of the ultimate humility of leaving Heaven and being born in human flesh into the humblest of circumstances…
*  As we marvel at the ordinary human beings whom God chose to be part of the story of His great gift of grace for the whole world… Jesus… and then realize that we are part of the story, too!

We can also seek to live to bring Him glory, and in so doing we worship Him with our very lives!

And so, we worship.
We give God praise and blessing.
We adore our Savior.
We honor and exalt our Creator.
We are alive in awe and thanksgiving and wonder.
We are blessed by the presence of God as He inhabits our praise.
And… as we go about the tasks of each day, we worship.

baby JesusOur prayer as a Worship Ministry Team is that all who come to hear the message of Christmas through “Joy of Every Longing Heart” will worship the Lord through this music, [and through the media (videos), Scripture, and narrations] and will experience the spiritual impact of God’s greatest gift, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in a deeper and more profound way than ever before.  We also pray that God will use this message to draw His people closer to Him and to draw those who don’t know Him as Savior and Lord to make the decision to come to Him in faith and repentance.

Jesus the greatest gift

Your worship ministry team is always aware that we are dealing with and sharing truths that are eternal and life-changing, and we never want to take for granted the opportunity that we have as lead worshippers. It is our responsibility and our joy to be worshippers first, so that we then may lead in worship. It is our privelege to share incredible messages of hope and joy and love and mercy. It is our joy to spend time learning great songs of faith and worshipping as we learn. It is our blessing to have internalized the scriptures and truths and messages of faith contained in the lyrics and melodies of these songs so that they have become a part of our faith journey. Most of all, it is our incredible joy and blessing and hope to know the OnJesus is the gift   cross with bowe about whom and for whom and through whom we sing. Through our worship, may we share the joy!

Below, you will find a link to our photo album filled with pictures from our times of worship and preparation to share the messages from “Joy of Every Longing Heart”. It would be wonderful if it was possible to so easily share all of the blessings of the hope and joy and love and wonder your worship ministry team has experienced… as worshippers who have once again been profoundly impacted by the message of God’s incredible, loving, and sacrificial gift in sending His precious Son.

Remember that photos can only tell part of the story, because it is impossible to see our hearts. Every year, we enjoy the process of worship and preparation involved in sharing the message of Christmas, but this year has been special. It’s hard to put into words… we’re more comfortable with singing and playing for God’s glory.  We hope that you will come and experience the joy and wonder for yourself, through this time of worship, as God reaches out to your heart through this message of His love and grace.

Please read the prayer below, and pray for us to be vessels of God’s love and that God would be glorified as we share “Joy of Every Longing Heart” on Sunday evening, December 8th, at 6:00 p.m.

We hope that you will come… and see… and hear… and experience… and worship.

“Joy of Every Longing Heart” photo album

God with us  star over city silhouetteA  PRAYER:

Our Eternal God, you are the giver of all good things. Everything that we have ever had and ever will have has come from your hand. You give because You love us. You give in ways that we don’t even see. You give because You are love. Before You made the world, you chose to give Your only Son. In the fullness of time, He came. Your divine life walked the face of this planet. Your love and compassion healed and brought hope. Your truth illuminated the darkness. Your mercy said “yes” to the pain of sacrifice. Your grace was revealed in your concern for the sons and daughters of Adam. Your love held you to the cross. You chose relationship with us when You momentarily forsook Your Son’s spirit so that He could experience a desolation you never wanted us to know. You have made a way for us to know You, to love You, and to worship You. You are with us in every moment. May we worship You in Spirit and in truth as we share and experience Your great love through the message of “Joy of Every Longing Heart”.

In the name of our Redeemer… Jesus, Savior, Emmanuel,


“More than that, we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.”  ~ Romans 5:11

Christmas  Thank God for His unspeakable gift


Joy of Every Longing Heart performance

“I come before you in complete abandon…
take my life and let it be… all to Jesus!”
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
To everyone who was part of “Joy of Every Longing Heart”,
Thank you so much!
*  Thank you for you investment of time during all of the months of preparation.
*  Thank you for your prayers during the process and during the musical presentation itself.
*  Thank you for putting your heart and soul into what you do and serving in Jesus’ name and for His glory.
*  Thank you for all of those Wednesday and Sunday rehearsals, in addition to all the time you spent working on your own.
*  Thank you for desire to worship the Lord and to lead others in worship.
*  Thank you for being there and for making a difference!
Only the Lord knows how He spoke to hearts through the messages you shared last night.  Some experienced the joy of Christmas in a new way.  Some were profoundly impacted by the fervency of God’s love for them.  Some were blessed by God’s peace and comforted by His presence.  Some worshipped along with every note played and sung and every word spoken.  Some are still singing along in their hearts.
Thank you, Adult Choir, Orchestra, Rhythm Section, Tech Team, Narrators, and all those who supported this ministry through your prayers, through inviting others, and through your presence.
All the glory… all to  Jesus!”
Categories: 2013 FBC Duluth Christmas, Christmas, Christmas at FBC, Duluth, Christmas Inspiration, Inspiration for Worship, Worship | Tags: , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

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