Posts Tagged With: Worship Ministry

2015 Worship Musical, “The Birthday of the King”

YOU are invited, this coming weekend, to a wonderful music and drama production, “The Birthday of the King”. Bring your friends and family to hear and witness this re-telling of the Christmas story of hope and love.

There are 2 opportunities to attend this FREE event.  Everyone is welcome!

The Music and Worship Ministries of First Baptist Church, Duluth


December 5th and 6th at 6 PM

Our 2015 Christmas Worship Musical


In the Worship Center of First Baptist Church of Duluth
2908 Highway 120

The Birthday of the King m and a picOn Saturday and Sunday evenings, December 5th and 6th, at 6:00 p.m., the Music and Worship Ministries of First Baptist Church of Duluth will present the story of God’s greatest gift in their 2015 Christmas musical, “The Birthday of the King”. This production will include a full Drama Cast, our Adult Choir, our First Baptist Duluth Orchestra, and our Tech Team, sharing the wonderful message of Christ’s birth through music, media, drama, interpretive dance, and narration. 

Admission to “The Birthday of the King” is FREE, and Child Care will be provided for ages 4 and under.

“The Birthday of the King” will truly be a unique re-telling of the story of the birth of Christ.  With a script written specifically for this presentation and music chosen from several sources to aid in sharing the story, this musical will be a meaningful time of worship, laughter, contemplation, and celebration, sharing the true significance of the events on that first Christmas night in an entirely new way.  In the paragraphs below, you will find some information about the characters in our drama and about a couple of the songs which will be played and sung by our Adult Choir and Orchestra.  There’s so much to share that it’s impossible to tell you everything here.  You’ll just have to be there!  We look forward to seeing you.

Birthday of the King manger scene pic

The main characters in the drama include Marcus, a Roman official, an Innkeeper and his wife named Myron and Amira, a shepherd boy named Asher, and Mary and Joseph.  The prophet Isaiah will make a brief appearance, and other characters will include our narrator, additional shepherds, the 3 wise men, townspeople, children, and others who have come to Bethlehem for the census.

The title song of our 2015 worship musical, “The Birthday of the King”, is a new song with very meaningful lyrics. Here’s is some of the text:

The Birthday of  anthem cover“All of creation joins to sing:
Throughout the nations, anthems ring!
Our humble hearts, …the gifts we bring,
To celebrate the birthday of our King.

The love of God that covers all,
Now lying in a manger stall.
The Son of God, alive in us..
From Bethlehem unto the cross….”

(Note: It’s not the more familiar, “The Birthday OF a King” (Hallelujah, oh how the angels sang…etc.) Whether you’ve ever heard the song with the similar title or not, you will love this new text, beautiful melody, and the choral and instrumental parts that bring out the meaning of the incredible new lyrics.

Another of the anthems sung by our Adult Choir will be, “Do You Know the Way to Bethlehem”.  This beautiful song was arranged by Brad Nix and published by Shawnee Press.  Included in this anthem are some of the carol lyrics to, “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” sung to the hymn tune known as KINGSFOLD.


Do you know the Way to Beth  coverThe media player found at the link below plays the publisher’s demo recording of “Do You Know the Way to Bethlehem” with choir and piano accompaniment.


In addition to these 2 anthems, some of the other songs that will be shared by our Adult Choir and Orchestra include a lovely arrangement of “Silent Night” by Heather Sorenson, the lively “African Noel,” an arrangement of Laura Story’s version of “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” and “Christmas Hymn” by Michael W. Smith.  Our soloists during the musical will by Sam Seaborne, Rick Word, Darla Brannan, Amy Becham, Cecelia Chase, Kelly Howell, Belinda Gindlesperger, Becky Akana, Fawn Bautista, and Mark LaCoursiere.  (Some solos will be sung by a different person on Sunday night than on Saturday since we have so many fine soloists at FBCD.)  In addition, our wonderful FBC Duluth Orchestra will be playing 2 Christmas preludes before the musical begins, as well as playing on many of the anthems.

Please make sure to arrive early enough to be seated in the Worship Center before 6:00 p.m. so that you will not miss a minute of this Christmas worship experience.

We pray that you will be blessed and encouraged, having your spirits lifted by the joy of knowing that God sent His one and only Son because of His great love for us… to live a sinless life, to die a sacrificial death, and to live again eternally through mercy’s victory over death and sorrow and loneliness and pain and illness and every trial in this life.

Grace and Peace to You!
Greetings and Blessings
From all of our Worship Ministry Team
And from the fellowship and Ministerial Staff
at First Baptist Church of Duluth.

Merry Christmas!

Birthday of the King Poster-1

Categories: 2015 FBC Duluth Christmas, Christmas, Christmas at FBC, Duluth, Worship Ministry Information | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Who is Dr. Bill Green?

Dr. Bill Green stands with his wife, Linda, at Falls Creek Baptist Conference Center’s R. A. Young Tabernacle on the occasion of the dedication of the “Bill and Linda Green Choir Loft” in 2013.

Dr. Bill Green will be leading worship at First Baptist, Duluth, this coming Sunday, August 30th, 2015.  On Saturday, August 29th, Dr. Green will be working with our Adult Choir and Orchestra on some special music that will be shared during our worship service the following day.  Due to Dr. Green’s busy schedule, this is likely to be the only time that he will be able to come to our church for a weekend of worship.  What a blessing it will be as God”s people are encouraged and the name of the Lord is praised through Dr. Green’s ministry!

So, who is Dr. Green?  Bill Green is, first and foremost, a man who loves the Lord fervently and has dedicated his life as a worshiper and servant of God.  He speaks frequently of the blessings that have come from following God’s plan for his life.  “My passion and the foundation of my calling has always been church music, leading people to sing for the Lord,  I have always felt it was a privilege to lead groups all over the world to proclaim the Gospel, and I will continue to do that  Little did I know when God called me as a young person in Elk City, where He would lead me. Wherever He leads I’ll go,” he has said.  “I can’t remember a time I didn’t want to come to work.  There was never a place I wouldn’t go back and serve. I have a blessed life. I will continue to do this until the day I die.”

Bill-Green portraitDr. Green loves people and relates well to people of all ages.  During his ministry, he has had the opportunity to work with generations of church musicians.  Speaking of worship music’s importance in the life of the church, Dr. Green says, “I really believe that it is so vital because it is mandated in the Scripture. It is really a language of the heart; It is such a dynamic way to express our love for the Lord. Where words fail, music speaks many times,  Just think what it would be like for churches to have no music and no singing, no hymn singing or praise and worship. How barren that would be in our churches if we were not able to sing and to praise the Lord.” Reflecting back on over 50 years of ministry, Bill Green has said that he would not change a thing.  “It’s a wonderful journey I’m on,” he continued, citing the trustworthiness of God and paraphrasing one of his favorite scriptures, Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust God with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding.”

Dr. Bill Green was born and raised in Elk City, Oklahoma, where he remembers hearing his mother sing praise to the Lord.  A graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University, Dr. Green has since been honored by his alma mater with the conferral of a Doctorate of Music degree and by being selected as a recipient of the University’s Profile in Excellence Award in 1995.  Bill and his wife, Linda, who hails from Clinton, Oklahoma, have two children, a daughter and a son, and five grandchildren.  Bill and Linda have celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary together.  Linda plays in the Oklahoma Baptist Symphony and is the organist at their home church, Quail Springs Baptist.  Daughter Laura is a graduate of Baylor University.  She and her husband, Glenn, have three children.  Son Alan, who has served as head basketball coach at Mustang High School, is married to Kris and has two children.  Dr. Green’s hobbies include fishing, golf, and hunting.


Dr. Bill Green as a Choral Director is expressive, passionate, encouraging, and exacting.

Dr. Bill Green as a Choral Director is expressive, passionate, encouraging, and exacting.

Bill Green has had a fruitful career in local church worship ministry, serving in several churches in Texas and Oklahoma.  He was Minister of Music at Portland Avenue Baptist Church in Oklahoma City from 1964-70 and has also served at Fairview Baptist Church in Elk City, First Baptist Church of Fletcher, and Emmanuel Baptist in Shawnee.  He was then called to First Baptist Church, Richardson, Texas, where he served 14 years as Minister of Music.  During his years in Richardson, the worship ministry there grew to include over 1,700 participants, from preschool age to Sr. Adults, with over 500 members in the Adult Choir alone.  During his years at the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and in the years since his retirement from the Convention, Bill has been very active in leading revivals and special services in local churches throughout Oklahoma, as well as serving as interim Worship Minister in over two dozen churches for various lengths of time.. The training opportunities provided by Church Music Oklahoma and other seminars have impacted hundreds of musicians who serve in various capacities in their local churches, impacting the effectiveness of local church worship ministry at every level.


Dr.Green has also taught in the School of Church Music at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas, where he served for two years as Associate Professor of Church Music. “Along my pilgrimage,” Dr Green said, “I served 31 years in local church ministry.  Then God called me to teach at Southwestern Seminary, and I felt that was an extension of my calling because no one on the faculty had been involved in local church ministry,”

Although God redirected his calling when Bill Green came to the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma in 1991, it was still a ministry to the local church.  “My lifeblood has been to assist the local church,” he said.  He recalled that when then BGCO Executive Director-Treasurer William G. Tanner called him to direct Oklahoma Baptists’ Church Music Department, there was no question in his mind that it was what God wanted him to do.


Bill and Linda Green

“The calling was so strong, and I am so grateful God has allowed me to serve in Oklahoma Baptist life,” Green declared. “It is a sacred trust I value greatly.

As a leader, mentor, and friend for Oklahoma church musicians, Bill Green has provided countless training opportunities for church music personnel. He has also led music workshops, clinics, and festivals throughout the United States.  Bill Green has also served on hymnal committees for Lifeway, helping to select the hymns and worship songs included in new editions of The Baptist Hymnal.  He served as President of the Baptist Church Music Conference from 1995 -1997.

For People of All Ages

The Singing Churchmen of Oklahoma, organized in 1960 by the Church Music Department of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, was one of the very first male choral organizations in the Southern Baptist Convention, comprised of more than 350 full-time, part-time, bi-vocational and volunteer Ministers of Music and Worship from across the state.  Bill Green was their conductor from his arrival in Oklahoma in 1991 as BGCO Church Music Department Director until their 2008 – ’09 season.  In addition to directing their church and convention-related concerts, Dr. Green has led the Singing Churchmen as they traveled abroad on several mission trips.  They went to Latvia, Estonia and Russia in 1993 and China in 1996, performing concerts in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Hong Kong. In 2003, the men traveled to Australia to present concerts and lead training conferences in Sydney, Newcastle, Brisbane, and surrounding communities. The internationally known Sydney Opera House was a concert venue for the mission trip.  Their 2009 trip to Armenia and Israel included a concert before their largest audience ever, an estimated 1 million people at the Armenian Genocide Memorial in Yerevan.  The Churchmen have recorded several CDs, including “Live in Sydney” and “God is Faithful”.

Dr. Bill Green also directed the Singing Churchwomen of Oklahoma.  Under his leadership, the group grew into such a large choral organization that the decision was made to perform 2 concerts monthly, as the Singing Churchwomen East and the Singing Churchwomen West.  Both choirs of Churchwomen ususally performed together at least once each year.  The Singing ChurchWomen have also served on various concert and mission trips during Dr. Green’s time as their director. They went to Nashville in 1991 to perform at PraiSing, the unveiling of the 1991 Baptist Hymnal.  In addition, the group went on a mission trip to South America, visiting churches in Brazil in 1994;  Their mission trip to Romania and Hungary in 2004 resulted in 1,500 professions of faith. The Singing Churchwomen were a featured group at the Glorieta Baptist Conference Center in Glorieta, New Mexico, for the release of the 2008 Baptist Hymnal.  On the way to Glorieta, the group performed in the Palo Duro Canyon Amphitheater prior to a production of the epic historical musical, “Texas!”.  The Churchwomen have also recorded several CDs, including, “The Lord is My Light”.

Dr. Bill Green, directing the Oklahoma Baptist Symphony, The Singing Churchmen, and the Singing Churchwomen at the

Dr. Bill Green, directing the Oklahoma Baptist Symphony, The Singing Churchmen, and the Singing Churchwomen at the “Foundations” concert at First Baptist Church, Moore, Oklahoma, in 2005.

The founding of the Oklahoma Baptist Symphony, still the only statewide full symphonic group in the Southern Baptist Convention, took place over 20 years ago.  It was the vision of Bill Green and of the Georgia Baptist Convention’s current Music and Worship Specialist and Conductor, Dr. Jon Duncan, who was then Bill’s associate at the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma.  Both men have conducted the organization at various times during their tenure at the BGCO, along with a few other men in recent years.  However, Dr. Duncan was considered the Oklahoma Baptist Symphony’s first Director, leading their monthly concerts and rehearsals for several years, until he was called to serve in Georgia.  Dr. Green conducted the OBS when they accompanied the Singing Churchmen and Singing Churchwomen in special concerts such as the “Experiencing God” (the musical) premiere and the historic “Foundations” concert, which featured over 700 musicians and singers from all three organizations and was recorded on both a CD and a DVD.  Speaking about the Oklahoma Baptist Symphony on the occasion of their 20th Anniversary Concert, Dr. Green remarked, “I have to say that Oklahoma is very blessed to have so many wonderful musicians. The Oklahoma Baptist Symphony is still one of the most unique organizations in all of Southern Baptist life,  They have had a lot of wonderful years and continues to serve the local church.”


Bill Green is leading worship in the old Falls Creek tabernacle, with a choir loft full of young people and sponsors behind him, a praise team and orchestra, and over 5,000 young people in the congregation for youth camp.

Directing the music every summer at Falls Creek Baptist Assembly (now Conference Center) was a joy for Dr. Bill Green.  Although he was 48 when he was called to serve Oklahoma Baptists as their Director of the Church Music Department, Bill loves young people.  They love him, too.  For 14 years, Bill Green was the worship leader during 5 weeks of youth camp every summer, leading from 5,000 to 7,000 young people, youth ministers, pastors, and sponsors in praise to the Lord every evening 5 nights a week.  Although Bill Green’s official title in doing the work at Falls Creek  was “Program Director”, he is forever linked with worship and praise in the hearts and memories of thousands of young people.  Changed lives were the result of God’s work through the camp’s ministry each summer.  “Every time Linda and I pulled away from Falls Creek on Friday evening when the assembly was over, we stopped and prayed and thanked God for the privilege of being able to do what the Lord allowed us to do,  I have great love beyond what I can even express for Falls Creek. It is truly a hallowed and holy place,” said Green. “I had the privilege for many years to stand on the old Tabernacle stage and lead thousands of young people to sing praises to the Lord and also watch literally thousands of young people make decisions for Christ. I shall hold those memories in my heart forever.” Green said.

Under Dr. Green’s leadership, a special youth ensemble was formed, which helped serve as a praise team and performing group during the weeks of Falls Creek and also performed during the Oklahoma Baptist All State Youth Choir’s concert and mission trips to locations around the United States, such as Kansas City or Washington D.C., and to England.   A by audition drama troupe was also formed to present meaningful skits at Falls Creek, and the old Falls Creek tabernacle’s huge choir loft filled with youth and adults each night.  The Oklahoma Baptist All State Youth Orchestra was also formed during this time period and toured with the Baptist All State Choir.  These groups provided wonderful opportunities for countless young people, musically and spiritually.


During the restructuring of the Baptist General Convention’s staff in 1996, Dr. Bill Green was named as the Associate Executive Director and the leader of the CAFE team (Church and Family Equipping).  Bill served in this role for several more years, continuing to oversee state worship ministry events and to direct the Singing Churchmen, Churchwomen, and Baptist All State Youth groups.  He never stopped doing what he loved — music ministry — but he simply added some responsibilities.  These included helping to set the vision for the future work of Oklahoma Baptists, programming and logistics for the annual state Baptist Convention meetings each year, serving as liaison for Oklahoma’s directors of missions, and coordinating other convention activities  He also oversaw the multi-million dollar renovations and capital improvements at the Falls Creek Baptist Conference Center, including the building of the R.A. Young Tabernacle. the amphitheater, the World Mission Center, and the conference facilities.


Wearing many hats throughout his ministry and overseeing construction at Falls Creek, Brother Bill added a hard hat to his collection.

Dr. Bill Green retired from the Baptist General Convention as Associate Executive Director in 2008.  However, he still believes that there is much work to be done.  “I will be available to Oklahoma Baptist people wherever I can assist them,” said Green. “I like to fish, hunt and golf, but my passion has always been work, and I don’t see that changing. I have a deep commitment to helping churches.”  True to his word, Brother Bill is currently the Interim Minister of Worship at Metropolitan Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, his 29th interim worship ministry position.  In March of 2014, Dr. Green joined the staff of the Oklahoma Baptist Newspaper, The Baptist Messenger, as church relations director.  In this new consulting role, he works to help better connect churches with the state paper of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma (BGCO).  Brother Bill also continues to teach and train through being asked to speak at seminars and conferences.  He has other opportunities to lead worship for events such as the BGCO’s annual “Singin’ and Praisin'” meeting and choir festival for Senior Adults and for local churches who invite him to come for a revival, evangelistic meetings, or a special worship time.

Brother Bill Green prefers to be on a first name basis with all who know him.  He is a warm and generous human being. Those who know him are very aware that a mere man could not have accomplished all of the work that has been done, and Brother Bill would be the first to give all praise and honor to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  To God be the glory!

Note:  The support of Dr. Green’s family and the excellent Convention staff and volunteers were always greatly appreciated, as well.

The “Bill and Linda Green Choir Loft”

On April 6, 2013, the Singing Churchmen and Churchwomen were in the R.A. Young Tabernacle at Falls Creek Baptist Conference Center for a recording session of an upcoming CD release. That morning, Anthony L. Jordan, executive director-treasurer of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, made a surprise presentation to Bill and Linda Green, reading the following proclamation:

“For his 14 years of esteemed and excellent leadership of Falls Creek Youth Assembly as its program leader and as project manager during the building of the R.A. Young Tabernacle; and Linda Green, as she has sacrificially and faithfully stood beside Dr. Green during his years of service; we therefore joyfully and gratefully acknowledge their significant contribution by naming the choir loft in the R.A. Young Tabernacle as the ‘Dr. Bill and Linda Green Choir Loft.’”

“For a generation of Oklahoma Baptists, when they think about Falls Creek and Falls Creek music, they think about Bill Green. Bill and Linda Green dedicated 14 years of their lives here.  This building stands here today as a beautiful edifice that God has given us, that has now been used hundreds of times by thousands and thousands of people,” Jordan said, pointing out that Falls Creek reached a record number of decisions for the Lord last summer.

Bill Green was filled with emotion as he and Linda stood by Jordan and heard roaring applause during the presentation. He shared with the group that he and Linda would be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in June of 2013. He praised his wife, saying how she has been a great support to him and shared his commitment to leading people to praise the Lord.

Bill & Linda Green Choir Loft Dedication from Baptist General Convention of Ok on Vimeo.
Note:  This video concludes with Dr. Green conducting the Singing Churchmen of Oklahoma, Singing Churchwomen, and Orchestra in Tom Fetke’s “The Majesty and Glory of Your Name” (following the dedication remarks).

The Baptist Church Music Conference’s 2015 W. Hines Sims Award recipient

Bill Green, left, accepts the 2015 W. Hines Sims Award from Baptist Church Music Conference President Jeff Elkins, minister of music at Tulsa, First. (Photo: Brian Hobbs)

Bill Green, left, accepts the 2015 W. Hines Sims Award from Baptist Church Music Conference President Jeff Elkins, Minister of Music at Tulsa, First and conference moderator. (Photo: Brian Hobbs, Baptist Messenger)

Former Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma (BGCO) Associate Executive Director Bill Green was presented with the W. Hines Sims Award at the 59th Annual Session of the Baptist Church Music Conference, April 21, 2015.  Upon receiving the award, Green said, “If there is one word that I could express tonight, it would be ‘gratitude.’”  Dr. Green was previously the recipient of the BCMC’s Lifetime Ministry Achievement Award in 2010, given at the organization’s annual meeting in Atlanta.

Bill expressed thanks to many who significantly impacted his life and ministry, including his mentors, his mother, wife (Linda) and family, many friends and the Lord.

The conference, held at Oklahoma City, Quail Springs, featured a theme of “In Christ Alone,” and included a variety of vocal and instrumental performances as well as breakout sessions on a range of topics, including classes for Ministers of Worship taught by Dr. Green himself.


A 1991 plane crash drew Bill Green from Texas back to his Oklahoma roots. Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma music leaders Paul Magar; his wife, Judy; his associate Mary Jane Tabor; and Oklahoma Baptist University artist-in-residence James D. Woodward were killed in a private plane crash while returning to Oklahoma City from a concert in January.  The entire staff of the BGCO’s Church Music Department had perished, going on to be with Jesus.

“These four people were dear friends of mine. I was grief-stricken personally at the loss,” Green said.  He knew he had been called into his new position at a traumatic time.  “When I came back to the state, the people in our churches were devastated. They were in mourning. I knew it was a part of my work to embrace the wonderful ministry that these people had had in Oklahoma and to help the state work through that grieving period and help us look forward to what God had for us to do in the future.”  Oklahoma Baptists gave him their full support.

“The people were very gracious. I had known so many people in the state and served in the state and so, in many ways, it was like coming home,  They embraced me and supported me, so the transition of coming back to Oklahoma was a joy and pleasure for me even though we were all going through a terrible time of grieving for our loved ones.”

Dr. Bill Green truly was and is God’s man for a very specific time and place.  At the same time, he has impacted countless lives all over the world, and his work will continue to have an impact on future generations.

“Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet to be created may praise the LORD:  Tell them the LORD looked down from his heavenly sanctuary. He looked down to earth from heaven, to hear the groans of the prisoners, to release those condemned to die.  That men may tell of the name of the LORD in Zion and His praise in Jerusalem, when multitudes gather together and kingdoms come to worship the LORD.”  ~  Psalm 102:18-22

Quotes about Dr. Bill Green

“I count Bill and Linda Green as not only spiritual leaders, but also as friends. Being in Singing Churchwomen for more than 20 years, my life has been enriched because of his leadership and their faithfulness! Thank you Bill and Linda Green.”  ~ Janice

“Bill Green is one of the best representatives of Jesus that I have ever known. I am one of thousands who call Bill and Linda Green my friends. I first met them 52 years ago, when Bill and I were Freshmen at OBU.  More recently, I was able to join the Churchmen and sit under Bill Green’s direction again for 5 years before his retirement. I was also in his choir at First Baptist Church, Richardson, Texas many years before.”  ~  R. Dean Campbell

“I was on the board of directors when Bill was asked to join the staff of the convention. We were excited that such a seasoned leader of demonstrated effectiveness would join us to direct the Department of Church Music. He did not disappoint us,  When I became Executive Director in 1996, I was faced with the challenge of implementing a restructuring of the convention. I asked Bill to join me as an Associate Executive Director and leader of the Church and Family Equipping Team. He was a vital part of the herculean effort to bring about an unprecedented change to operation and structure of the convention. When time came to build the new tabernacle, I once again turned to Bill to oversee the massive building project. In every case he proved to be an outstanding and exemplary leader.”  ~  Rev. Anthony Jordan, Executive Director – Treasurer, The Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma

“Bill is synonymous with Oklahoma Baptists, and to have him help the Baptist Messenger reach out to churches and serve with them is a real thrill.  He brings an unparalleled breadth of experience, wisdom and strong relationships that will help the Messenger continue to act as the glue that binds Oklahoma Baptists together.”  ~  Brian Hobbs, Editor, The Baptist Messenger (State newspaper of Oklahoma Baptists)

**  NOTE **  The information and quotations in this blog post came from the articles found at the links below.
This article was compiled and edited by C. Boyd

Saved! Living legend Green, wife honored at Falls Creek

Categories: Special Worship Guests, Worship Ministry Information | Tags: , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Winter / Spring 2015 Worship Ministry Schedule

First Baptist Church of Duluth
Music and Worship Ministries

come let us worship

Winter / Spring Schedule

Regular, Weekly Schedule, January – May, 2015
Worship Ministry team members will be notified of any alterations to this schedule.

Sunday Morning:
Orchestra rehearsal, 8:30 a.m. in the Worship Center
Praise Team / Rhythm section rehearsal, 9:00 a.m. in the Worship Center
Adult Choir Warm-up / Run-through, 10:40 a.m. in the Choir Room
Congregational worship in the Worship Center, 10:50 a.m.

Wednesday Afternoon and Evening:

Golden Notes (Senior Adult Choir) rehearsal, 4:00 -5:00 p.m., Choir Room
Praise Team rehearsal, 6:30 p.m., Choir Room
Adult Choir rehearsal, 7:00 p.m., Choir Room


Sunday, February 1st

“This Hope” in concert, 10:50 service  (no choir or orchestra that day)

Tuesday, February 3rd  

“The Sons of Jubal” in concert, First Baptist Church of Buford, 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. concerts

Sunday, February 22nd

5:00 – 6:30 p.m. – How to Be a Better Singer Class, Music Suite

Friday, March 6th

“The Jubalheirs” in concert, Mountain Park Baptist Church, 7 p.m.

Sunday, March 8th

Choir Rehearsals (for Adults / Students / Children), 5:00 – 6:30 p.m., Music Suite

Tueday, March 10th

Golden Notes sing at First United Methodist, Duluth

Sunday, March 22nd

Choir Rehearsals (for Adults / Students / Children), 5:00 – 6:30 p.m., Music Suite

Sunday, March 29th

3:45 p.m.  Choir/Orch/Tech Team Rehearsal/Sound Check, Worship Center
5:00 p.m. – “Sunday Night Live” Palm Sunday Service
with Combined Adult / Sr. Adult / Student Choir and Childrens’ Choir, Followed By All Church Dinner in FLC

Sunday, April 5th

Easter Service, 10:50 a.m.

Saturday, April 25th

9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Composer’s  Symposium – Music Suite

Wednesday through Friday, May 6th – 8th

Golden Notes travel to Jekyll Island for SSS Jekyll, “Seniors Singing By the Sea”

Wednesday, May 27th

Last Spring Adult Choir Rehearsal

Sunday, May 31st

Last Spring Orchestra Rehearsal

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Shelly Johnson in Concert

During our morning worship service on Sunday, November 30, 2014, our congregation will be blessed to worship the Lord and be encouraged in the faith through the ministry of Shelly Johnson.

Worship music is not a career choice, it’s a calling, and it’s one that LifeWay Worship Artist Shelly E. Johnson has embraced with joyful surrender. She has a gift for writing songs that can lift a congregation closer to the Throne and a heart for serving God that makes her one of the most anointed young worship leaders of her generation.

Most well-known for writing the powerful worship anthem “Power of the Cross”, which has been recorded by Natalie Grant, Steve Green and is being used in churches worldwide, Shelly has served as worship leader alongside Beth Moore, Tony Nolan, Andy Stanley, and toured North America with renown Irish Hymn-writers Keith & Kristyn Getty.

Raised in a strong Christian home, it wasn’t until the age of fourteen when Shelly’s father tragically died from cancer that Shelly met God for the first time in a real and personal way. It was during that experience that Shelly began writing songs and felt God’s calling on her life to ministry.

Shelly followed her calling to Nashville, TN in 2003 to attend Belmont University where she earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Commercial Music. After graduating in 2007, her songs began to gain the attention of the Christian music industry, as “Power of the Cross” was awarded Song of the Year by the Gospel Music Association, and her song “Draw Near” was awarded Scripture Song of the Year.

After releasing her independent album Mosaic of Grace in 2009, Shelly signed her first publishing and recording deal with LifeWay Worship in February 2011. Her debut EP Power of the Cross released in August 2012, in partnership with Maranatha! Music, with the lead off single “All Things Beautiful” impacting Christian radio formats.

On September 23, 2014, Shelly’s full-length worship album Your Kingdom Come released worldwide through LifeWay Worship, in partnership with Elevate Entertainment.

Shelly spends her time writing songs for the Church, serving on staff as worship leader at First Baptist Woodstock, a multi-site, mega-church in the Atlanta area, and traveling the country striving to build the Kingdom of God through her music.

Shelly has been married to her best friend Jack for nine wonderful years, and they currently live in Woodstock, GA.

NOTE:  This bio was copied and pasted from Shelly Johnson’s website:

Here is a video of Shelly singing her song, “Mosaic of Grace”.


Do you know Jesus?

The decision to ask Jesus to come into your heart and life as your Lord and Savior is the best decision you could ever make! The one true God is ready to give you forgiveness and eternal life as soon as you understand your need for Him and believe on the name of His only Son, Jesus, for your salvation. Here’s a blog page link to help you find the answers to your questions about Jesus.


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FBCD Symphony of Keyboards 2013

Captured on MOTOQA1

W * E * L * C * O * M * E !

You and your guests are cordially invited

to attend our annual Christmas event

in the Worship Center at

First Baptist Church of Duluth.

*  2908 Duluth Highway 120, Duluth, Georgia  *

The Symphony of Keyboards

will take place on 

December 15th at 6:00 p.m.

Please arrive early, and enjoy the evening!

Candle wreath clip artEight FBCD Keyboard Artists will play Carols and Christmas songs on four grand pianos.  The beautiful decorations, media, and special lighting will create a lovely setting for the instruments.  This festive and enjoyable program of music will include many well-loved Christmas carols and songs. We hope that you will invite neighbors, friends, co-workers, and relatives to attend this evening of musical delight and worshipful inspiration.  Sharing their talents this year are: Karen Johnson, Kimberly Hawkins, Travis Boyd, Becky Akana, Donna Babb, Paul Carey, Margaret Murdock, and Asa Williams.

You can view our photo album for Symphony of Keyboards 2013 at the link below, and you do not have to be on facebook to see it.  Our FBC Duluth Worship Ministries facebook page has a public setting and can be seen by everyone on the internet  This photo album is also public @!/media/set/?set=a.555677571179086.1073741830.125249750888539&type=1

grand piano

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